NEW SEASON 2022. Welcome to another year of SportsParenthood. It’s great to be back in your ears after a break. We know there’s been radio silence from us. It wasn’t our intention to go completely quiet. But hey, things haven’t really gone to plan in general these last few months, have they?
So, who are we speaking with this week? You’ll hear from Erin Plummer. What an interesting story she has to tell. Erin won her first state gold medal in swimming at the age of 8. In an honest account, she explains how she ended up being what she describes as an early burn out child.
Later, Erin transitioned into synchronised swimming, now known as artistic swimming, where she went on to represent Australia at three World Championships. There is more to this sport than many of us think.
Now, Erin is a sports parent to three daughters. She talks openly about her eldest daughter’s bumpy start to sport, and her own role in that story. Plus, how her two youngest are absolutely loving swimming at the club she began her own swimming career, and continues to call her happy place.
In a week where Swimming Australia has issued an unreserved apology to women and girls in the sport after a scathing independent investigation, this interview focuses on the many positive and enduring ways our kids can benefit from being involved in the right club, in the right environment.